Jáger Attila's profile

Comix & Relax workshop - improvisation - comissions

I make comic workshops called Comix & Relax for small groups or individuals to learn how to make comics and chill out through comics. This workshop was held in Deák 17 Gallery for Child and Youth Art in Budapest.
Graphifest is a festival about illustration and design. This happening was about to create comics
only with improvisation. The visitors could follow the live show on the screens. 
Having fun together with other cartoonists, Győző Dudás (on the left) and Zoltán Fritz (on the right).
Some comission drawings into my comics with cartoonist Noémi Várnai (on the right). Organised by Milán Kovács, editor of ZSIGER.HU (on the middle). Some of the sketches are for Marvel Comics artist David Aja or for Bob Budiansky, the writer, penciler and editor of the first comic series of Transformers in the 1980's.
Comix & Relax workshop - improvisation - comissions

Comix & Relax workshop - improvisation - comissions

Comic workshop called Comix & Relax, convention and some of the latest sketch comissions.


Creative Fields